My name is LOLA DOUGLAS / LOLAFREAKINKITTY , and I’m a semi realistic/ cartoon artist from Oklahoma. I’ve been drawing since elementary school, I ended up falling so head over heels with creating that I found myself in art school. I started “EvolTears” in 2023, and continue to fall more in love with art everyday
"I personally view “EVOLTEARS” as a sort of diary, it displays the most rawest of emotions & overall energy that goes into the presentation of said emotions. I've honestly lived thru a diary for so long, art is like the air that only we can supply to survive. Art has been a part of my life for quite some time, and the process seems to effortlessly occur. It's a beautiful experience, that's always gotten better every time. I hope people see my work and can acknowledge the fact that even though emotions provide pain, that doesn't mean we should ignore the potential gain."